From September 25th to 27th in Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia, the historical World Finals of the World CanSat/Rocket Championship was successfully realized. It bears the epithet historical not only because it was the first ever, but also because of the application of a hybrid method of competition, whereby the realization of the simulation of a real Space mission was raised to a higher level and preparation was made for subsequent competitions in this way in case of need.
This video presents a merged video reports published by several media. We are now intentionally publishing this for transparency even though the materials are very short. We will publish a complete (long and detailed) video report in the coming days.
Given that we live in a time in which things happen that we cannot influence, we are forced to adapt, to be as flexible as possible in order to continue progressing. For all of us, this is the ‘new normal’ and regardless of everything, the ‘show must go on’, so WCRC also adapted because some applied teams did not manage to come due to still present pandemic situation (some of team members were positive) and due to significant problems in financial support caused by inflations around the World. WCRC Consortium consulted and decided not to leave anyone behind and to give everyone a chance to compete because they really deserved it. We created a hybrid competition because technology allows it today, so some of the teams joined the WCRC World Finals remotely. The test was successful and now WCRC has at its disposal more opportunities for organization, that is, it has the opportunity to enable more participants to compete regardless of global circumstances. Participants from five continents showed innovation, creativity, teamwork, cooperation and collegiality, understanding and ability to adapt to challenges on the terrain, which this time were really many. The number of boys and girls participants was almost equal (B 60%:40% G), with the fact that there was also a team in which there were only girls, which is very encouraging for the sustainable development of this field and STEM in general, on the basis of equality. At the competition (on the spot or remotely) there were representatives of: India, USA, Canada, Russia, Mexico, Peru, Nigeria, Tunisia, Ghana, Germany, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Serbia. Some competed, some evaluated this process, and some were just observers. During the competition, a series of meetings were held between representatives of educational institutions, companies, governmental and non-governmental sectors between several countries, and cooperation in the field of Space engineering development, expansion of WCRC activities and initiation of joint projects was agreed upon. The presence of a high ITCA/TSC delegation from India, a meeting with the Ambassador of India and representatives of the government of Vojvodina, and the presence of a large number of media and citizens contributed to the WCRC World Finals confirming its breadth and importance. The competition was interactive, i.e. contact with citizens in both directions was constantly present for the promotion of Space engineering, competitors and education of those present.
At the competition, the delegations of WCRC Continental Competition organizers from: Italy (organizer for Europe), Tunisia (organizer for Africa and the Middle East) and India (organizer for the Asia-Pacific region) were physically present at the competition, as well as organizers of the WCRC Continental competition for the North and South America from Canada, but online.
Organizations that are part of the WCRC Consortium: CSPD, Serbia; ITCA/TSC, India; IEEE Brescia, Italy; CRMN, Tunisia, as the main organizers of the competition, with the support of the Provincial Secretariat for Economy and Tourism, SESA and the Aero club Novi Sad, enabled all planned activities to be successfully realized with a few pleasant surprises:
1st day of the competition:
• Weather conditions: No rain, wind 0-3m/s, mostly cloudy with Sun;
• Open to the public;
From 10:00 AM activities on the field (launch spot Novi Sad’s Airport “Čenej”):
• Review of the rules;
• Technical inspection of CanSats by Jury;
• Teams interviewing and promoting their products (if any) / LIVE BROADCASTING;
• Assembling CanSat parts, assembling motors and parachutes to the Rockets by teams;
• Opening Ceremony;
• Launch of CanSats and recovery (number of launched Rockets with CanSats: 19),
• At the end of the first day 3 Paratroopers jumped from the plane at the Airport.
*All teams that competed on the Airport successfully realized both the Primary and Secondary missions. Not a single team was disqualified.
**During the competition, exhibits related to Space technology were shown and explained to the public and the flight of the Water Rocket was practically demonstrated. Participants and other attendees had the opportunity to sit in gliders and airplanes, take pictures and talk with the Pilots.
2nd day of the competition:
• Closed to the public;
From 12 o’clock (noon) in the Conference hall in the city of Novi Sad:
• Presentations/Technical Reports about missions results (post-flight analysis) by representatives of each team;• Remote participation: Canada, Ghana, Mexico, Nigeria and the USA;• Working on CanSat Reports (CR) by teams and sending them to the WCRC Commission.
*CanSat Reports (CR) of the teams will be published on the WCRC official website and social networks from October 15th!
3rd day of the competition:
• Closed to the public;
From 12 o’clock (noon) in the Conference hall in the city of Novi Sad:
• Proclamation of the winner(s) / Prizes ceremony;
• Banquet;
• Meetings/discussions/socializing;
• End of the event.
The final results of the first ever WCRC World Finals:
1st place: Team NTTF Space Aces, India
2nd place: Team ROSPIN-Sat, Romania
3rd place: Team UNIBS Cansat, Italy
Special Award for achievement and helping in organization of the WCRC World Finals: Team MSRsat, Montenegro/SESA
Global Special Jury Award (for teams on the spot):
Global Special Jury Award (for teams remotely/by country):
Ghana, Mexico, Peru, Canada, Germany, Poland
| Detailed report |