- Based upon the establishment of UNISEC-Global and other decisions at the first UNISEC-Global Meeting in November 2013 at the University of Tokyo in Japan,
- To follow up the successful outcomes made at the forth UNISEC-Global Meeting at Kamchia, Bulgaria on October 20-23, 2016,
- To review the on-going activities of the new local chapters (15 countries/regions and one association of local chapters), which were acknowledged at the forth UNISEC-Global Meeting and to share information for further advancement,
- To acknowledge new applications for the UNISEC-local chapters,
- To provide a forum for the UNISON-Global (student organization) to exchange their opinions about research activities and issues they face for closer cooperation at a student level around the world,
- To continue to organize the Mission Idea Contest (MIC) and to invite the winners of the pre-MIC5 which has been initiated by several local chapters in the past year under the theme of how to satisfy any of the UN Sustainable Development Goals,
- To continue to discuss debris mitigation matters under the rename of the Debris Mitigation Competition (DMC) from the Deorbit Device Competition (DDC), especially focusing on post-mission disposal (PMD) and active debris removal (ADR).
December 2-4, 2017
Engineering Faculty of Sapienza – University of Rome
Via Eudossiana 18,00184 (Rome, Italy)