Сви чланци од adkomsat


The Unity program represents a response to the increasing need of individuals and groups for easier access to Space, in order to achieve sustainable progress in their work and development of this area.

The concept itself emerged in the post-conflict region as an attempt to re-establish the cooperation of the people in the region, but this time in a completely different way, which in itself goes beyond the current mode of thinking and demands a new approach in international relations, whereby independence in creation of each participant is not jeopardized, and on the other hand there is a constant presence of the necessity of cooperation among the participants. In this way, everyone achieves both individual and group goals, and progress is inevitable.

Technically, the Unity program is based on CubeSat standards (www.cubesat.org), since the main deployer (Mother Craft – MC) is CubeSat, primarily by dimensions and basic characteristics. The deployer MC is independent of the payload that it carries and which will be delivered into orbit. Most precisely, MC is an adapter that allows that non-standard satellites (DS) can be used in standard POD deployers.

The Unity program enables the low-cost launch of satellites into various orbits. The price of the launch of 1DS (11.0×10.0x2.4cm/250g) is 12000 – 14000 euros (payment in two installments).

| more details |


  • Based upon the establishment of UNISEC-Global and other decisions at the first UNISEC-Global Meeting in November 2013 at the University of Tokyo in Japan,
  • To follow up the successful outcomes made at the forth UNISEC-Global Meeting at Kamchia, Bulgaria on October 20-23, 2016,
  • To review the on-going activities of the new local chapters (15 countries/regions and one association of local chapters), which were acknowledged at the forth UNISEC-Global Meeting and to share information for further advancement,
  • To acknowledge new applications for the UNISEC-local chapters,
  • To provide a forum for the UNISON-Global (student organization) to exchange their opinions about research activities and issues they face for closer cooperation at a student level around the world,
  • To continue to organize the Mission Idea Contest (MIC) and to invite the winners of the pre-MIC5 which has been initiated by several local chapters in the past year under the theme of how to satisfy any of the UN Sustainable Development Goals,
  • To continue to discuss debris mitigation matters under the rename of the Debris Mitigation Competition (DMC) from the Deorbit Device Competition (DDC), especially focusing on post-mission disposal (PMD) and active debris removal (ADR).

December 2-4, 2017


Engineering Faculty of Sapienza – University of Rome
Via Eudossiana 18,00184 (Rome, Italy)

| Program |          | Website |

the WQM system ready for connection with the Iridium constellation

The system for satellite monitoring of surface water quality in real-time and early-warning system (WQM) is ready for connection with the Iridium constellation of 66 satellites. GSM transmitter will be replaced by RockBlock transmitter as well as the operational code.



  • Date:
    • Online Lecture: August, 2016
    • Hands-on Training: Sep 21-Oct 1, 2016
  • Venue:
    • Hokkaido University (Sapporo)
    • Uematsu Electric Co., Ltd (Akabira)

| CLTP website |

By attending this course, the training process was completed in order to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge and experience of space engineering, ie. satellite development. The process lasted three years and started in Japan (August-September 2013) by attending a theoretical / practical part based on the Japanese CanSat model (from mission definition, through the design of small satellites / CanSat and missile launch, balloon and plane, to the analysis of the complete process).

The acquired certificate is recognized internationally.

UČEŠĆE KOMITETA U PROGRAMU: “Monitoring Climate from Space”


Program je održan u periodu od 30. novembra 2015. do 04. januara 2016. godine u organizaciji European Space Agency (ESA).

Program je organizovan u vreme održavanja COP21 United nations conference on climate change” kao vid podrške ovako značajnom događaju, odnosno kao doprinos širenju svesti o ozbiljnosti situacije u kojoj se Planeta nalazi, kao i edukovanju participanata o aktuelnim i planiranim projektima opservacije Zemlje satelitskim putem i njihovom značaju.


P r e d a v a č i:

  • Professor Martin Wooster (vodeći predavač)

Professor of Earth Observation Science in the Department of Geography, King’s College London, and a Divisional Director of the NERC National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO).

  • Dr Mathias Disney

Senior lecturer in Remote Sensing in the Department of Geography, UCL. Mat is a member of the Environmental Monitoring and Modelling Group and the NERC National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO).

  • Dr Emily Shuckburgh

Climate scientist and Head of the Open Oceans research group at the British Antarctic Survey. Emily is also a fellow of Darwin College, Cambridge and an associate of the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research.

  • Professor Andrew Shepherd

Professor of Earth Observation at the University of Leeds. Andrew is also the Director of the NERC Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling and Principal Scientific Adviser to the European Space Agency’s CryoSat-2 satellite mission.

  • Professor Alan O’Neill

Emeritus Professor of Meteorology, University of Reading. Alan is the Founder and former Director of the NERC National Centre for Earth Observation.

Spoljna stručna lica koja su doprinela realizaciji programa:

  • Dr Pierre-Philippe Mathieu, European Space Agency
  • Dr Stephen Briggs, European Space Agency
  • Professor Konrad Steffen, Director, WSL – Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)
  • Professor Anny Cazenave, Senior Scientist at the ‘Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiale’ (LEGOS), Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and Director for Earth Sciences at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, Switzerland
  • Dr Kanta Kumari Rigaud, Lead Environmental Specialist, Climate Change Group, World Bank
  • Dr Angela Benedetti, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
  • Dr Nathalie Pettorelli, Zoological Society London
  • Professor Chris Merchant, University of Reading, NCEO
  • Dr Melanie Ades, Risk Management Solutions (RMS)
  • Dr Helen Snaith, British Oceanographic Data Centre at the National Oceanography Centre
  • Dr Stephanie Henson, National Oceanography Centre
  • Dr Simon Boxall, University of Southampton
  • Dr Paolo Cipollini, National Oceanography Centre
  • Professor Chris Lintott, University of Oxford
  • Dr Kirsten Barrett, University of Leicester

Učešće Komiteta u online kursu: “The 6th CanSat Leader Training Program (CLTP6)”


Kurs je održan u periodu od 13. jula do 09. avgusta 2015. godine u organizaciji University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC), Japan.


Pohađanjem ovog kursa završen je proces obučavanja vezan za sticanje osnovnih znanja i iskustava iz svemirskog inženjeringa. Proces je trajao dve godine, a započet je u Japanu (avgust-septembar 2013. godine) pohađanjem teorijsko/praktičnog dela zasnovanog na japanskom modelu CanSat-a (od definisanja misije, preko konstruisanja malog satelita/CanSat  i lansiranja raketom, balonom i avionom, do analize kompletnog procesa).

Stečeni sertifikat je priznat na međunarodnom nivou.

SUPPORT AND AID FROM JAPAN to affected by the catastrophic floods


Friends from Japan – members of the IfES (Institute for Education on Space), members of UNISEC (University Space Engineering Consortium) and individuals – have expressed deepest compassion with citizens of the Republic of Serbia and the region affected by the catastrophic floods and sent help, those in need, through the Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union and the Republic of Serbia Embassy in Tokyo.