A visit to the kindergarten „Maslačak“ (city of Novi Sad) at the invitation of the kindergarten teachers.
Interaction with children of preschool age on the topic of Space and Space travel.
CSPD in INDIA: various topics
- The 58th Convocation in Nettur Technical Training Foundation (NTTF)
- Preparation for the establishment of cooperation between higher education institutions from India and Serbia (NTTF, Cambridge Group of institutions, Government PU College etc.)
- Meeting with Indian Technology Congress Association (ITCA) related to the preparation of the arrival of a high-level delegation from Serbia in January and India’s investments in Serbia
- Meeting with ITCA/TSC representatives about WCRC development and new round of the competitions
- Meeting with ITCA/TSC and Newtech Aerospace Private Limited representatives about development status of INDO-SESA Satellite
Na osnovu ranije objavljene informacije, u celom regionu, da će zemlje Svemirske asocijacije Jugoistočne Evrope (SESA) zajedno sa partnerima iz Indije lansirati zajednički satelit u orbitu, Komitet za razvoj svemirskog programa, kao član SESA-e, obaveštava građane Srbije da je na nivou SESA-e doneta odluka da se pokrene kampanja uključivanja dece iz vrtića i osnovnih škola u ovaj istorijski projekat.
Ovo će biti posebna, dodatna, misija zajedničkog satelita u kojoj će učestvovati deca iz celog regiona.
Naziv kampanje je: Šaljemo dečiju maštu u svemir!
World CanSat/Rocketry Championship – World Finals 2022 (retrospective – long video)
„The results of the CanSat Primary mission showed that
Air quality sensors on all CanSats showed that the air is clean!“ – Dušan Radosavljević
WCRC World Finals launch day (day 1) from an Italian perspective
THE FINAL REPORT: World cansat/rocketry championship – world finals
From September 25th to 27th in Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia, the historical World Finals of the World CanSat/Rocket Championship was successfully realized. It bears the epithet historical not only because it was the first ever, but also because of the application of a hybrid method of competition, whereby the realization of the simulation of a real Space mission was raised to a higher level and preparation was made for subsequent competitions in this way in case of need.
Наставите са читањем THE FINAL REPORT: World cansat/rocketry championship – world finalspress konferencijA – Poziv gradjanima na wcrc svetsko finale
Snimak press konferencije odrzane 31. avgusta u Privrednoj Komori Vojvodine povodom odrzavanja WCRC svetskog finala od 25. do 27. septembra – Poziv gradjanima
(Recording of the press conference held on August 31st at the Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce on the occasion of the WCRC World Finals from September 25th to 27th – An invitation to the audience)
Uspostavljena saradnja između Komiteta i Pokrajinskog sekretarijata za privredu i turizam
Novi Sad, 26. avgust 2022. – Na sastanku u kabinetu pokrajinskog sekretara za privredu i turizam, dr Nenada Ivaniševića sa predsednikom UO Komiteta za razvoj svemirskog programa (Committee for Space Programme Development – CSPD), Dušanom Radosavljevićem, uspostavljena je i definisana saradnja između Komiteta i Pokrajinskog sekretarijata za privredu i turizam, u cilju daljeg razvoja svemirskog programa u Srbiji, sa posebnim osvrtom na turistički aspekt i privredne potencijale.
Učesnici sastanka bili su i podsekretar Pokrajinskog sekretarijata, Slavoljub Arsenijević, i pomoćnik pokrajinskog sekretara, mr Milan Jarić.
Definisana su strategija saradnje i zajedničke aktivnosti u okviru strategije, a prvi korak u nizu je svakako organizovanje događaja od globalnog značaja – prvog finala Svetskog CanSat/Raketnog šampionata (World CanSat/Rocketry Championship WCRC).
Наставите са читањем Uspostavljena saradnja između Komiteta i Pokrajinskog sekretarijata za privredu i turizamEstablished: SESA – SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN SPACE ASSOCIATION
While the World is gripped by major crises, our region is gathering strength. Perennial regional aspiration for association was finally realized on June 27 with the establishment of SESA – Southeast European Space Association – which already held its first working joint meeting on July 1, and defined a joint action strategy on July 10 and began with its realization. The SESA consists of: the Center for Education and Robotics, Innovation and Technology CERIT from Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), the Adriatic Aerospace Association from Zagreb (Croatia), Montenegro Space Research from Podgorica, the Center for Innovation and Technological Development NAVIA from Skopje (N. Macedonia) and the Committee for Space Program Development CSPD from Novi Sad (Serbia), as well as prominent individuals from the mentioned countries. One of the main goals is the capacity building and human resources development in the field of Space engineering in the entire region, for the common good.
Until now, all SESA member states have worked independently. We will share, among us, our so far achievements and results and from now on, continue together, on equal basis, to jointly speed up the processes, so that the citizens of the region feel the benefits of cooperation and the use of Space technology as soon as possible. Of course, the work will be continued and independently in accordance with the interests of each member country, but with the full support of the other members. No one will be alone anymore. This initiative in international circles already met with serious approval. In the first place from India, which as part of the celebration of 75 years of independence will launch 75 satellites into Space, one of which will be INDO-SESA. India will help us all to go into Space together and to be in Space together on an equal basis. Many of the members from all countries of the former Yugoslavia have long-term scientific and personal contacts with prominent members of the world’s Space scientific and practical community, and these connections will help the newly established SESA to develop faster and easier.
The potential of SESA is huge, primarily because of the interdisciplinary nature of this field, but what is most important is the existence of regional understanding and the willingness to move forward together.
(Note: The text above is part of the content that the media in the entire region are currently publishing)